Saturday, December 7, 2019

If anybody wants to bring these solutions or more solutions to the U.S. president, please use this letter or write your own with the same solutions and more solutions.

Copy and Paste into your word program.

Dear Department of Education 
and President Trump,                                                           
Dec. 2nd, 2019

Schools around the country are teaching kids that it’s okay to have anal sex, gay sex, promiscuity, and transgenderism as if it’s a trendy game that won’t end up causing harm, yet children are not being taught at a very young age how to speak up about being sexually abused, physically abused, and verbally abused.

Imagine children who come to school, who are being abused at home or in other places, they come to school to be taught that it’s okay if they’re getting something shoved up the butt or that it’s okay to change their sex organs because if they become a boy then they will no longer be sexually harassed or sexually abused by boys. This is despicable.

Public schools need to teach young children how to always tell someone if they have been touched inappropriately. This needs to be taught repetitively each year, twice a year, from K-12 grade. Same with teaching how to respect each other, boys and girls. What ever happened to teaching etiquette and manners and how to treat each other with grace and unconditional love? The enemy wants to turn us all into micro chipped robots, but we are human, we are not merely workhorse slaves to pillage one another. 

Children who are being molested, who don’t understand, who have bad behavior due to them being abused, they have no voice accept for anger that comes out of nowhere, which causes them to be punished by parents and punished by public schools.

Children and teens, who are not abused, need to be taught how to prevent possible date rape and sexual misconduct, including verbal abuse. Teenagers who get drunk or who use drugs are putting themselves at risk for possible rape and date rape.

Children also need to be taught that it’s not okay to be forceful or inappropriate with other people and animals, whether it’s sexual, physical, or verbal abuse.

Teaching teens, in gym class, about mace and self-defense as weapons against stranger attacks is vital for the females. Most males are strong. Most males aren’t going to be sexually attacked by strangers on the street. Females need to be taught physical self-defense in gym class, for Christ’s sake man!

Our system is broken by design.

Concerned Citizens


If you choose to go down these rabbit holes, please do.

Children Give Dollars To Transgender Dancers 

What Happens To Aborted Baby's?

Obama Admits He Was Born In Kenya During His Speech In Kenya

A Brain Is A Brain Is A Brain

Are Chemtrails REAL? Congress Space Preservation ACT Says They Are 

Pilots, Doctors, and Scientists call out chemtrails during hearing.

Bill Gates Admits to depopulation by means of using vaccines as a way to depopulate. In some cases vaccines are Russian Roulette, in other cases vaccines in 3rd world countries have sterilization hidden in them to depopulate 3rd world countries, namely Africa. Eugenics...

Alexa calls Jesus a fictional character, yet gives Mahomed credit.